Australian Occupational Health Value Proposition
Expressions of interest
Working Group to develop an Australian Occupational Health Value Proposition
For sometime Australian Medico-Legal College General Council and Executive have supported the concept of an Australian Occupational Health Value Proposition similar to the UK’s SOM report that was developed in May 2017. That report provides a comprehensive analysis together with an evidence review of the value of occupational health in the UK. Click here to download the SOM report
Australian Medico-Legal College plans to develop an Australian Occupational Health Value Proposition to share with not just our members who already know the value of Occ Health but more strategically for engaging with stakeholders, companies, managers, HSE professionals’ other medical professionals and disciplines, Government agencies etc and workers.
Members of the working group include:
- Dr Mary Obele (New Zealand), Occupational Physician
- Associate Professor Euan Thompson, Consultant Occupational Physician
- Dr Azhar Khan, Occupational Physician
- Dr Harry Chow, AFOEM Advanced Trainee
The project aims to have a draft report to General Council by November. If you are interested in participating please contact the secretariat.