Join AML College

Benefit from a prestigious College of professional medical practitioners with a like-minded goal of providing high quality medicolegal reports. The College provides initial training and ongoing professional development and upskilling in medicolegal matters. Australian Medicolegal College is an inclusive organisation that welcomes applications for new Fellows.

AMLC provides Post-Graduate Fellowship in Independent Medical Examination skills, including assessment of causation, whole person impairment, and Statements of Reasons for reasonable and necessary treatment.  The College provides training in updates on current treatment, devices and implants, employability, work fitness, TPI assessments, PTSD, the ethics of IME work, techniques of report writing, the appropriate use of evidence, and many other aspects of medicolegal medicine.

Fellows and Trainees benefit by meeting with colleagues who have similar interests and skills, to discuss and gain greater expertise in the many facets of medicolegal work.

The College welcomes Fellows from other Colleges and Associations to apply for training and accreditation to be an endorsed assessor for personal injury, be recognised by your peers for quality IME reports and be accepted as a specialist in the medicolegal domain.
Our purpose is to maintain medicolegal standards, our mission is to grow by increasing Australia-wide Fellowship and our goal is to be the leading education body for medicolegal IME work.

Requirements for Joining the AMLC
1. Hold medical registration in Australia or your respective jurisdiction.
2. Hold specialist registration
3. Have completed Impairment Modules (eg the ABIME course, AMA 4, AMA5 or AMA 6 courses)
4. Complete the application form and enclose two de-identified IMEs reports for review and forward this to Ms Mandy Chalmers, Manager AMLC

Title First name Surname Specialty Practice Location Suburb State PC Email Office Telephone Mobile
Dr John Bosanquet Orthopaedic Surgeon Orange NSW 02 63601500
Dr Gregor Bruce Orthopaedic Surgeon Sydney NSW 2000 0407 403 474
Dr Anthony Buzzard General Surgeon Suite 7 Level1 517 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3000 03 9867 1839
Dr Michael Davies Neurosurgeon Pain Management Wollongong NSW reception@drmjdavies, 02 4225 2535
Dr Robin Diebold Orthopaedic Surgeon Newcastle Sydney NSW 2000 1300 136 031
Dr Drew Dixon Orthopaedic Surgeon 2/41 Palmerston Road Hornsby NSW 2077 02 9477 5838
Dr Peter Endrey-Walder Medicolegal Specialist 703/35 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000 02 9247 4309
Dr David Freiberg Respiratory/Sleep Physician Bankstown NSW 02 9790 2378
Dr Gabby Freilich Diagnostic Radiology Bunbury WA 08 9726 6914
Dr Eugene Gehr Orthopaedic Surgeon Alexandria NSW 2015 0451 937 400
Dr Michael Gliksman Occupational Public Health Physician Sydney NSW 2000
Dr Todd Gothelf Orthopaedic Surgeon Sydney NSW 2000 02 9399 5333
A/Prof Richard Haber Cardiologist/Physician Point Piper NSW 2027 02 9221 2799
Dr Murray Hyde Page Orthopaedic Surgeon 65 Wynter Street Taree NSW 2430 02 6551 5455
Dr Alan Hopcroft General and Orthopaedic Surgeon Taree NSW 2430 02 6552 5900
Dr Kenneth Howison Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon Kogarah and Sydney NSW 2000 02 9587 8285
Dr Lloyd Hughes Orthopaedic Surgeon Sydney NSW 2578 02 9261 5699
Dr Robert Kaplan Psychiatry Wollongong NSW
Dr Andrew Keller Occupational Health Physician Sydney NSW 2000 02 9279 4477
Professor Leon Kleinman Orthopaedic Surgeon Broadmeadow NSW 2292 02 4961 0622
A/Prof Andrew Leicester Orthopaedic Surgeon Bowral NSW 02 4861 1955
Dr Tommasino Mastroianni Occupational Health Physician Newtown NSW 2206 0414 293 369
Dr Ross Mellick Neurology Suite5 3rd Floor 229 Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000 02 9233 2994
A/Prof Paul Miniter Orthopaedic Surgeon Bruce ACT 02 6253 3388
Dr John Mckee General Surgeon Bega NSW 2550 02 6494 1214
Dr Colin Moore Aesthetic Genito- Urinary Surgeon 2/238 Falcon Street North Sydney NSW 0414 250 234
Dr Patrick Morris Psychiarty Easywood NSW 2122 02 9858 1192
Dr Ron Muratore Sport and Exersize Medicine Level,3, 187 Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000 02 9231 0102
Dr Richard Pease Orthopaedic Surgeon Melbourne VIC 3000 1300 130 963
Dr Adam Rapaport General & Vascular Surgeon Bondi Junction NSW 2022 0418 164 334
Professor William Rawlinson AM Infectious Diseases Microbiology Virology Randwick 2031 Wahroonga NSW 2076 02 9803 0209
Dr Richard Sekel Occupational Medical Practitioner Waterloo NSW 2017 02 9319 5999
Dr Phillip Sharp General and Trauma Surgeon Sydney NSW 2000 0408 260 185
A/Professor Michael Shatwell Orthopaedic and Accident Surgeon Sydney NSW 2000 02 6583 7277
A/Professor Stephen Shumack Dermatology Sydney NSW 2000 02 9221 1477
Dr Ronald Thomson Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal Surgeon Parramatta, Crows Nest,Newcastle Wollongong NSW 1585 0407 351 391
A/Professor Adrian Van der Rijt Orthopaedic Surgeon 48 Docker Street Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 02 6925 6925
Dr David N Wilcox General Surgeon,Trauma, Medicolegal Specialist Suite 303, 135 Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000 02 9247 2140
Dr Conrad Winer Rehabilitation, Musculoskeletal Specialist Suite 209 RPA Medical Centre Camperdown NSW 2042 0439 607 981


  • Submit application to the College Censor-in-Chief for consideration.
  • Click here for further information regarding the training program.
  • Click here for an application to join the training program.
  • On completion of the training program and other components, click here to download the application form to become a Fellow.