Strategic Plan 2018 - 2021

The organisation recognises that a planned and strategic approach is vital to ensure its continued relevance to members and its long term sustainability.

The Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine (Australian Medico-Legal College) was formally established in 1972, with aim of supporting and representing doctors involved in occupational medicine. In 2008, the society amalgamated with the Australian Occupational Health Nurse Association and now represents medical, nursing and other professionals involved in workplace health. The society has active branches covering all states and territories in Australia and has approximately 250 members. The General Council has established its first Strategic Plan focusing on the period of 2014-2017 which was endorsed by General Council in February 2015.

The second Strategic Plan 2018-2021 builds on the significant achievements of the last three years and sets out an agreed direction for the organisation for the next planning period that will guide operations and secure the future of the organisation as a sustainable and relevant contributor in the field of occupational health. The plan will be used by the Executive, General Council and the Secretariat to direct and manage operations, and as a basis for reporting to the members. The organisation will develop an annual Operational Plan based on the Strategic Plan.

The document is intended as a living document and ongoing input from members is invited. Download the strategic plan below: